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By purchasing an official Deauther, you help us continue this project 😊.

D1 Mini Deauther

Spacehuhn D1 Mini Deauther

The original high-quality D1 Mini board in a lovely 3D printed case flashed with the ESP8266 Deauther firmware.


HackHeld Solder Kit

HackHeld Vega II

This DIY solder kit is a great way to learn how to solder and build your own Deauther. It comes with a D1 Mini, a 3D printed case, and all the necessary components you need. (Requires soldering!)

Visit Instructions

Maltronics Deauther

Maltronics WiFi Deauther

The Maltronics Deauther comes in a sleek metallic silver case, offers both USB-C and USB-A, and has an RGB LED.


DSTIKE Deauther

DSTIKE Deauthers

DSTIKE offers a variety of Deauther products, including the famous Deauther Watch.




You can find many other Deauthers online too. Those, however, are not officially supported and do not contribute to the development of this project!

Please do not support people whose entire business is built upon taking advantage of open-source projects.

The worst offenders include Kaos Jammer, Walkür Technology, Retia, and Les French Twins. They sell you simple Deauthers but for horrendous prices. There are also many smaller sellers on the popular online marketplaces offering overpriced Deauthers, but they are not worth mentioning individually here.


If you want to save money, I recommend you build one yourself! You only need an ESP8266 Development board, a USB cable, and a computer. See supported devices for details.